Springfield High School Alumni Association
Alumni Day Parade
June 14, 2025: VERMONT MADE
2027: Still not decided
2028: Remember to give your suggestions at the annual meeting.
$900.00 total is awarded.
Most Outstanding (1st only) - $500.00
1st Non-Alumni - $100.00 plus banner
2nd Non-Alumni - banner only
1st Humorous - $100.00 plus banner
2nd Humorous - banner only
1st Most Artistic - $100.00 plus banner
2nd Most Artistic - banner only
1st Most Original - $100.00 plus banner
2nd Most Original - banner only
S.H.S.A.A. Parade Code of Ethics
As you plan your float, please keep in mind the following rules of Alumni Parade participation:
1. Intoxicating beverages are not to be consumed by any parade participant. If intoxicating beverages or the results of consumption of such beverages is observed by the parade judges, chairperson, or any trustee, the float shall be disqualified and ineligible for any prize or prize money.
2. Safety
Any connection between the tow vehicle and the float must be a lawful hitch with safety chains.
All objects must be securely attached.
Fire extinguishers are required on all floats.
No candy, etc. is to be thrown from the float. If it is to be distributed, it must be exchanged hand to hand. We do not want children running out in front of moving floats. Also NOTHING - including water guns, with any substance can NOT be directed at the crowd.
3. Keep approximately four car lengths between participating units in the parade. Any float that does not maintain this distance, resulting in a large gap in the parade, shall forfeit points in the judging. Driving too close to another float, vehicle, etc. makes it difficult.
4. Refrain from profanity.
5. Do not use any objects or materials which could damage clothing or
personal property or cause bodily harm or injury to spectators.
6. Observe state road laws on width and height when transporting the float to and from the parade. The road limits on height is 16', width is 25'. Must stay within these limits in order to clear overhead wires.and sides of road for spectators. Recommend 15' high and 15' wide. Most trailers are 8'-9' wide.
7. All debris MUST be cleaned up after the parade.
8. All floats will be inspected at parade line-up for worthiness of participation.
9. All floats must remain at the post parade gathering at Riverside for final judging to be eligible for awards. You will be notified when judging is completed.
Alumni Day Parade Information:
Parade assembling areas are as follows:
All parade participants enter on Bridge Street to the Springfield Fire station. Classic vehicles, bands, dignitary vehicles and out of town fire trucks will be directed to their staging area by an alumni volunteer.
We ask that everyone is parked and ready to start by 10:00am and parade will start 10:30am sharp. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE PARADE ROUTE WILL BE CLOSED OFF BY POLICE AT 10:00am.
Please note that vehicles that are NOT in the parade must be parked in the Edgar May parking lot, or make your personal arrangement to park in HB Energy parking lot. Of course anyone can be dropped off and make arrangements to be picked up at Riverside Middle School. Parking is limited so please be on time - early is even better.
There will be alumni officials there to help you get lined up. Please be patient and have no fear everyone will be in the parade as scheduled. If there are any questions you can contact Jean Patoine 802-591-7230. As you plan your float, please keep in mind the rules of Alumni participation.