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2021 Beyond the Unicorn Craft Fair

Updated: Mar 16, 2021

Springfield Alumni Association Plans to Return for 2021 - December 4, 2021

The Springfield Alumni Association had to cancelled the Beyond the Unicorn Craft Fair for the 2020 Winter season.

The vendors that participated in the 2019 Beyond the Unicorn Craft Fair will be the first to receive invitations to reserve booth space for 2021, with letters going out in early September of this year.

As an organization, we would like to thank the greater Springfield community for its continuous support, which has enabled the Alumni Association the ability to bring events and scholarships to this community for decades. We would like to thank the Springfield School District and Riverside Middle School for the years of allowing us to host this event on their grounds, and all the vendors, volunteers and event attendees for their contributions and anticipated, continued support. We look forward to seeing everyone once again, at this well-attended annual event in our traditional way, when safe to do so.

Please understand that all the plans are based on the fact that the current restrictions are lifted and we can continue in a "normal" way. Please watch for any changes as they may develop.

If you have any questions regarding the Beyond the Unicorn Craft Fair, please contact Sara Moulton, Chairperson of the Fair, at or 802 291-2974.

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