SHS Alumni Assoc. Forum - Sept. 15 at Community Center By Jean Patoine, SHSAA President
The SHS Alumni Association will host a Forum on Wednesday, September 15th at 6:00 p.m. at the Springfield Parks & Recreation building - 139 Main St, Springfield, VT
Over the years of my service as President I have been asked or told some of the following:
1. What is the Alumni other than the parade, Unicorn Craft fair and Golf tournament?
2. If we graduated aren’t we already Alumni?
3. I don’t have time to be a trustee and I don’t like meetings.
4. I can help but nobody asked me.
This forum is open to everyone, alumni or non-alumni.
We will be explaining some of following: The alumni mission, vision and goals; How the association events are put together to make them a success; Trustee duties and officers’ duties; Why volunteers are needed.
We welcome all questions and will try our best to answer them.